About Us
Since its inception in early 2009, a core group of committed private citizens, veteran’s and community service organization representatives have regularly met to plan how best to serve the military families living in our midst. Working with our non-profit corporate sponsor, Family Service Rochester, and our community support partner, Rochester Community and Technical College, Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Southeast Minnesota has committed to meeting the following five service goals:
Create meeting and service support opportunities for Servicemembers and their families before, during and after deployments.
Host recreational and social events for families and military spouses and partners.
Educate communities on the stresses and challenges faced by military families.
Provide services military family members may need; from day care to snow removal to household repairs to counseling.
Link families to military-friendly business services and volunteer services.
Interested in more info?
Send an email to Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Southeast Minnesota and we'll try to answer your questions or requests.
Please remember that we are an all-volunteer organization with no staff or additional administrative resources.